
Our environmental expertise is concentrated on water-centric challenges, encompassing aspects such as water supply, quality, and treatment for potable purposes. Our scope extends to the management of wastewater, including its treatment, discharge, reuse, permitting, and impact analysis on aquatic ecosystems. We place particular emphasis on the design and implementation of water reuse systems, a critical resource for communities across Texas. Additionally, we are dedicated to the sustainable use and protection of groundwater resources.

The development of groundwater resources for potable supply represents a core area of our expertise. We specialize in the design and implementation of groundwater wells, as well as the efficient management of the transportation and delivery of extracted groundwater to its intended application sites. Groundwater monitoring, a crucial component of our environmental practice, is meticulously conducted across various settings. Additionally, we offer specialized services in the management of landfills, underground fuel tanks, containment solutions, and environmental modeling to meet our clients' needs.

Surface water preservation is another core area of expertise for our firm. We specialize in designing solutions that protect water quality while adhering to stringent regulatory standards. By employing advanced techniques and sustainable practices, we ensure that our projects not only meet compliance requirements but also contribute to long-term environmental stewardship.

Comprehensive Water Resource Management.

    • We provide expertise in developing efficient groundwater wells for potable supply, ensuring reliable access to water resources.

    • Stormwater management and drainage systems

    • Erosion and sediment control

    • Water quality protection and treatment solutions

    • Regulatory compliance and permitting

    • Sustainable design for surface water preservation

    • We provide expertise in managing permitting and landfill design to prevent contamination and ensure environmental safety.

    • We offer comprehensive monitoring services across various settings to safeguard and assess groundwater resources as part of our environmental practice.

    • We provide advanced environmental modeling and containment solutions designed to mitigate potential hazards.

Unmatched Solutions.  

We specialize in the development of groundwater resources for potable supply, offering expert design and implementation of groundwater wells and efficient management of water transportation and delivery systems. Our services include comprehensive groundwater monitoring to ensure resource protection, as well as the management of landfills, underground fuel tanks, and environmental containment solutions. Additionally, we provide advanced environmental modeling to address complex challenges, ensuring sustainable outcomes for all our clients' needs.

Case Studies.

These real-world examples reflect our commitment to delivering effective, sustainable outcomes tailored to the unique needs of our clients.

C&D Landfill

    • TCEQ Type IV Municipal Solid Waste Landfill Permit Amendment

    • Completion of the Administrative requirements for the required TCEQ permit amendment application.  Completion of associated design documents to include with the overall permit revision to increase the size of the landfill site acreage.

    • Project Start/Completion Dates: March 2025-Ongoing

    • Location: Lubbock, TX

Rowena Packing, LLC

    • TCEQ Wastewater Permit & Permit Amendment 

    • OEI was contracted to assist with the completion of a Wastewater Permit and Major Permit Amendment.

    • Work completed included the review of the previous industrial wastewater permit, and existing site features, as well as filling out administrative and technical portions of the permit application for both the original permit and the Major Amendment.

    • The Major Amendment included an increase in permitted discharge for land application from 55,000 gpd permitted discharge to 110,000 gpd. 

    • Project Start/Completion Dates: July 2022 - October 2024.

    • Location: Rowena, TX

FM 1259 Cattle Feeders

    • TCEQ Concentrated Animal Feeding Operation (CAFO) General Permit

    • OEI assisted in acquiring a CAFO General Permit through the TCEQ completing the permit application, working on administrative portions of the application.

    • OEI completed multiple site visits to gather survey points & data from the site to assist with the completion of the permit application.

    • OEI also put together an updated Pollution Prevention Plan, including the certified Five-Year Report to ensure full TCEQ compliance.  

    • Project Start/Completion Dates: August 2024 - Ongoing

    • Location: Hereford, TX

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Water & Wastewater


GIS & Data Collection